Extratropical Water Level Guidance
Data Disclaimer |
1) NOT an Operational Product
This site is an EXPERIMENTAL web site. While NWS' Meteorological
Development Laboratory's storm surge unit makes every effort
to keep this site running, we do not have the resources to guarantee it
is as reliable as an operational web site.
2) NOT a Forecast (this is model guidance)
This site is generated through purely computer generated methods so it is
guidance. For it to be a forecast there would need to be a human in the
loop. Consult your local NWS forecast offices for official storm surge
forecasts and any watches and warnings.
3) NOT for Tropical Storms or Hurricanes
During Tropical storms, the water level guidance on these pages does not
reflect the official NOAA storm surge forecasts. The model used by this
site intended for Extra-Tropical Storm and does not always capture tropical
storms well. For Tropical storms, please consult your local NWS forecast
offices and the National Hurricane Center for official storm surge forecasts
and any watches and warnings.
Observations Disclaimer
The observations are obtained from
Who provide the following disclaimer:
The raw tide data used here has not been subjected to the National Ocean
Service's quality control or quality assurance procedures and do not meet the
criteria and standards of official National Ocean Service data. They are
released for limited public use as preliminary data to be used only with
appropriate caution.
Official National Weather Service Disclaimer
The National Weather Service provides a disclaimer for this web server which
should also be referenced...
Please see: